Table of Contents

Method Idle



A simple bot that handles basic combat, looting, and survival in a specified area. Call this method repeatedly to make your hero automatically fight and survive.

Copying the source code of this method to your own script is a good starting point for creating your own bot. Remember that this method is implemented inside the AutomaticHero class. If you are not using classes but a single script with top-level methods, you need to use Hero static class that is representing your currently selected hero. And prefix all methods calls and properties with Hero. like this: CurrentArea?.Root.Name becomes Hero.CurrentArea?.Root.Name and GoToArea("Stony Plains") becomes Hero.GoToArea("Stony Plains").

public void Idle(string area = "Stony Plains")


area string

The area where the bot should operate. Defaults to "Stony Plains".


See the following tutorials for more information:

This bot will:

  • Navigate to the specified area if not already there
  • Use health potions in two scenarios:
    • When below 30% health during combat
    • When health is not full and no enemies are around
  • Attack nearest enemies when health is good
  • Pick up nearby items when no enemies around
  • Run around exploring when nothing else to do
using UnityEngine;

namespace GrindFest
    public partial class AutomaticHero
        /// <summary>
        /// A simple bot that handles basic combat, looting, and survival in a specified area.
        /// Call this method repeatedly to make your hero automatically fight and survive.
        /// Copying the source code of this method to your own script is a good starting point for creating your own bot.
        /// Remember that this method is implemented inside the <see cref="GrindFest.AutomaticHero"/> class. If you are not using classes but a single script with top-level methods, you need to use <see cref="GrindFest.Hero"/> static class that is representing your currently selected hero. And prefix all methods calls and properties with <see cref="GrindFest.Hero">Hero.</see> like this: <c>CurrentArea?.Root.Name</c> becomes <c>Hero.CurrentArea?.Root.Name</c> and <c>GoToArea("Stony Plains")</c> becomes <c>Hero.GoToArea("Stony Plains")</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="area">The area where the bot should operate. Defaults to "Stony Plains".</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// See the following tutorials for more information:
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item><description><see href="/tutorials/first-bot.html">Getting Started with Bots</see></description></item>
        /// <item><description><see href="/tutorials/movement.html">Creating Your First Combat Bot</see></description></item>
        /// <item><description><see href="/tutorials/classes.html">Creating a Bot with Classes (Advanced)</see></description></item>
        /// </list>
        /// This bot will:
        /// - Navigate to the specified area if not already there
        /// - Use health potions in two scenarios:
        ///   * When below 30% health during combat
        ///   * When health is not full and no enemies are around
        /// - Attack nearest enemies when health is good
        /// - Pick up nearby items when no enemies around
        /// - Run around exploring when nothing else to do
        /// [!code-csharp[Source](../../GrindFest/Assets/_GrindFest/Scripts/BotApi/AutomaticHero.Idle.cs)]
        /// <example>
        /// Usage:
        /// <code>
        /// // Just call Idle() to use the basic bot
        /// Idle();
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <example>
        /// Advanced usage:
        /// <code>
        /// // Idle in specific area
        /// Idle("Crimson Meadows");
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// </remarks>
        public void Idle(string area = "Stony Plains")
            // Ensure hero is in the specified area
            if (CurrentArea?.Root.Name != area)
            // Health management - drink potions if health is low, only if we have potions
            if (HasHealthPotion())
                // if there are no enemies around and health is not full, drink potions
                if (Health < MaxHealth && FindNearestEnemy(5) == null)
                    return; // Drinking potions to full health is a priority

                // drink potions if below 30% or continue drinking until full
                if (Health < MaxHealth * 0.3f)
                    return; // Drinking potions is a priority

            // Combat - attack enemies if health is good
            if (AttackNearestEnemy())
                return; // Currently fighting an enemy

            // Looting - pick up nearby items when not fighting
            var item = FindNearestItemOnGround();
            if (item != null)
                if (PickUp(item)) // go to and pick up the item, return false until the item is picked up
                    Say($"Found {(item.Amount > 1 ? item.Amount + " " : "")} {}!"); // make the hero say what they found and how many, taking into account stackable items like gold coins
                return; // Currently moving to item

            // Exploration - run around when nothing else to do
// Just call Idle() to use the basic bot
Advanced usage:
// Idle in specific area
Idle("Crimson Meadows");