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The automation of your hero starts with making it move by calling one of these methods:

Hero.FollowCursorAndAttack(); // Hero will follow your mouse cursor and attack nearby enemies
Hero.RunAroundInArea(); // Run around in area


Let's keep the bot running and just change the code. And try dropping some items near the hero.

var item = Hero.FindNearestItem();  // Returns either nearest item or null if there is no item  

Here we declare a local variable, a temporary storage for this item, using var variableName and assign the resulting item from the method to it with =

You can then reference this variable from other parts of code, and access its properties, like name, using the dot . operator.

Note that there might not be any item, in that case the method will return null. Null values represent nothing so accessing proprties like .name or trying to call methods on them will result in an error. To prevent that, we use the Elvis ?. operator here, which allows you to safely access null properties and let the compiler do checks automatically. We can also solve this using an if condition.

Reference to a FindNearestItem method.


    // Curly brackets define a block of code
    // You can put multiple lines of code here
    // Blocks create new scope, meaning that variables declared inside the block are not accessible outside of it
    var item = Hero.FindNearestItem("Gold");
    var item = Hero.FindNearestItem("Potion"); // We are using the same variable name, but it's a different variable in a different scope

Time to make a decision

If you need to do something only if a certain condition is met, you can use an if statement.

var item = Hero.FindNearestItem(); // Returns either nearest item or null if there is no item
if (item != null) // if there is an item

if is a conditional statement that checks if the condition inside the parentheses is true. If it is, the code statement right after the condition will be executed. If it's false, the code will be skipped.

When you are comparing two values, you use comparison operators like == (equal), != (not equal), >, <, >=, <=.

In this case, we use the != operator to compare the item with null to check if there is any nearby item.

Note that the code after the condition can be single statement or a block of code.

var item = Hero.FindNearestItem();
if (item != null)

Beware that if you want to execute multiple statements, you need to use curly brackets {} to create a block of code.

var item = Hero.FindNearestItem();
if (item != null)
    Hero.PickUpItem(item); // This will be executed regardless of the condition

It's a good practice to always use curly brackets to avoid confusion and bugs.

You can also use else statement to execute code when the condition is not met.

var item = Hero.FindNearestItem();
if (item != null)
    Hero.Say("No items nearby");

Method Hero.AttackNearestEnemy returns a boolean. A value that is either true or false representing logical truth.

Operators like ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= are used to compare values and return a boolean value.

if (Hero.Health < Hero.MaxHealth / 2) // If health is less than half of max health

We can store this truth value in a variable and use it later.

var hasLowHealth = Hero.Health < Hero.MaxHealth / 2;
if (hasLowHealth)

Note that if (variable) is equivalent to if (variable == true)

You can combine methods Hero.AttackNearestEnemy and Hero.RunAroundInArea to make hero run around in area and attack nearby enemies

if (!Hero.AttackNearestEnemy()) // AttackNearestEnemy returns true or false based on whether it was able to find some enemy and attack it or not

The ! symbol in front of the AttackNearestEnemy() call is a logical NOT operator. It inverts the value of the expression. If the expression is true, it will return false and vice versa. The condition above is equivalent to if (Hero.AttackNearestEnemy() == false) and to if (Hero.AttackNearestEnemy() != true).

So the condition checks if hero was not (!) able to attack enemy, and if so, it runs around in area.

Hero.RunAroundInAreaAndAttack(); // Or simply use this method prepared for you, if you don't need any additional logic, like drinkning potions or picking up items

What to do next?