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Managing Health and Potions

Your hero's survival depends on proper health management. Let's learn how to use health potions effectively.

Basic Potion Usage

You can check if you have potions and drink them using these methods:

Manual Control

You can also bind potion usage to a keyboard key:

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F8))

// You can also continue doing other automatic actions

Automatic Health Management

The most common use case is drinking potions when your health gets low. You can check your current health using the Health and MaxHealth properties.

if (Hero.Health < Hero.MaxHealth * 0.5f) // Below 50% health
    if (Hero.HasHealthPotion())
        Hero.RunAwayFromNearestEnemy(); // Good practice to retreat while drinking

Here's a more complete example that combines combat with health management:

if (Hero.Health > Hero.MaxHealth * 0.3f) // Above 30% health
    Hero.DrinkHealthPotion(); // Start drinking potion
    Hero.RunAwayFromNearestEnemy(); // Retreat while drinking

You can check how many potions you have using HealthPotionCount():

var potionCount = Hero.HealthPotionCount();
if (potionCount < 3) // Running low on potions
    Hero.Say($"I only have {potionCount} potions left!");

What to do next?