Method Say
- Namespace
- GrindFest
- Assembly
- GrindFest.dll
Makes the hero say something. Useful for debugging, casting spells, and giving commands.
public static float Say(string text)
stringWhat to say
- float
Duration of the speech or spell cast time
This method has multiple uses:
- Debugging: Print variable values and debug messages
- Spell Casting: Certain spells are cast by speaking command words
- Communication: Talk to other characters or party members
var enemy = Hero.FindNearestEnemy(10);
if (enemy != null)
Hero.Say($"Found enemy at distance {Vector3.Distance(Hero.transform.position, enemy.transform.position):F1}");
Hero.Say($"My health is {Hero.Health}/{Hero.MaxHealth} ({(Hero.Health * 100f / Hero.MaxHealth):F0}%)");
Hero.Say("Por Erd Sol");
See also SayTo(string, Transform) for targeting specific characters with spells or messages.