Working with Flags
Flags are a powerful feature that allows you to mark specific locations in the game world. These can be used as waypoints, points of interest, or markers for where to perform certain actions. This tutorial will guide you through placing flags and utilizing them in your scripts.
Placing a Flag
To place a flag, you can use the PlaceFlag method. This method allows you to specify the color and position of the flag. If no color is specified, the flag will default to red. If no position is specified, the flag will be placed at the cursor's location.
Example Usage
To place a flag when the F3 key is pressed, you can use the following code snippet in your Update
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F3))
// This is a static method, that means you don't need to have an instance of the class to call it
Using Flags in Your Script
Once a flag is placed, you can use it as a waypoint or reference point in your scripts. For example, you might want to move your character to the flag's location or perform an action when near a flag.
Moving to a Flag
To move your character to a flag's location, you would first need to store the flag's position when you place it. Then, you can use that position in your movement logic.